রবিবার, ১০ মে, ২০১৫

Criminal attachment and respective Criminal Jurisprudence for making a fruitful Penology

Criminal attachment and respective Criminal Jurisprudence for making a fruitful Penology

Ever since the creation of the world, the existence of crime cannot be denied. It is an universal truth that crime existed in the world still now it is existing and it will exist even in the future. Crime cannot be totally diminished. But it can be controlled to some extent. As the research topic is “criminal attachment and respective criminal jurisprudence to get  a fruitful penology” it is very unseat for all of us know in details about the definition of crime, how a person attached or involves himself in crime what are the outlooks towards a criminal, and then it will be imperative to discuss what should be the criminal laws against the respective crime to get a fruitful penology.
Here this research paper contains all these materials obtained from a small research.

Chapter- 1
Crimes and criminal

1.1: Legal definition of crime:
The penal code Act X LV of 1860 and the code of criminal procedure Act V of 1898, no where the definition of crime has been given. In fact, all the acts done as given in the penal code and the code of criminal procedure are treated as crime. It is imperative for all of us to give such a definition of crime which will be applicable not only for Bangladesh but also all over the world and for all the decodes coming toward.
Hence the criminologists are trying hard to define crime in such a way and they ways that any work done though the violation of the legal laws or state laws are called a crime.
If we illustrate this definition we can observe two facts-firstly, crime is a behavior and secondly, this behavior is against the law.
As the existence of time crime is seen from time immemorial but in modern days crimes are those works or acts which are done by violating the laws and which are against the morality.

1.2: Characteristics of crime:
For an act considered to be crime it must consist the following criteria’s:
(i)                 To consider an act to be a crime it is very essential to do an act or an omission in certain act.
If a man intends to do an unlawful act it will not be sufficient to consider it as a crime. The act should be done by him. Even a criminal conspiracy is not sufficient to prove it as a crime until the act is done.
As for example some person intended to steal a house but this intention is not sufficient to consider it as a crime until the act is done by those person.
Again omission from an act is another criteria of crime. As for example the duty of a night guard of a bank is to guard the bank but if the bank is robbed due to his negligence then the negligence from the duty will be his crime.
(ii)               The act on the omission from the act should be mentioned in the law. Basically there is the precondition of a crime.
(iii)             Another criteria of crime is a criminal intent or measure.
(iv)             For an act to be considered as crime both the first and the third condition must be fulfilled.
(v)               The criminal act must be punishable by law.

1.3: The concept of crime: Historical contest:
With the evolution of human civilization, the social customs and rules have also been charged. As a result of this charge of civilization, the concept of crime has also changed.
As for example it can be said that in 12th and 13th century only the offences against the state or religion were treated as crime by the act of murder were not treated as a crime in Europe but now it is a crime in all the countries.
In those days, to prove the guilt of a person people used to take or dead of fire, water, those methods the guilty person either had to touch the fine or drink the water. It was believed that, if the person is innocent, then the fire or water will not harm that person. The facts beloved those believe were the orthodoxal religious faith or superstitions. In those days people believed that human life is controlled by a super natural power.
Before the 10th century there was no destination between crime and tort. In these days people had limited idea about wrongful acts. In the then European society, the family bond was stronger than the social bond and as a result the victim party instead of going to the court, used to approach towards the criminals family or used to take revenge personality. In this case the guilty person used to compensate the victim. After paying those compensation he guilty was treated as he has done no mistakes. But is the guilty person refused to pay the compensation, then no steps could be taken against him.
Although in the beginning of the 10th century, the crime was treated as the result of the dissatisfaction of the super natural power, there crimes in the beginning of the 18th century were treaded as a violation of morality and social customs or state laws. In this case the guilty person is himself responsible for his act, not any super natural power. Nevertheless, the surrounding of the guilty person is also treated as the cause for his criminal action as the cause for his criminal action and still today this concept about crime is continuing.

1.4: Sociological definition of crime:
The definition of crime given before, if considered from the sociological point of view, and then this definition is not beyond criticism. It is so because, there is certain human behavior which are not against the criminal law but there are hated and avoided by the society. But the legal definition of law can somehow neglect the sociological aspects. As a result it is necessary to define crime from the sociology point of view.
The renowned sociologist Garigalo for the first time gave a definition of crime from the sociological point of view. While defining crime, he used the term ‘Natural Crime’ which means certain immoral acts which hurts the basis moral sentiment of human probity. These basis moral sentiments can take different shapes at different ages. He further added that for an act to be considered a crime, the guilty person must be socially victim. In a word those works which hurts the human moral sentiment and which is harmful for the society is treated to be a crime.
Renowned sociologist Gillin while defining crime states that-
A crime is such a work which is treated harmful by the people living in the society and as a result some system of punishment is also fixed against that crime.
From the deep analysis of the sociological definitions it can be said that criminal works are those works which are socially harmful. Every society is build up of its own customs and disciplines and any work violating those customs and disciplines are always harmful for the people. Hence these are crime.

1.5: Crime and immorality:
In our socio-economic and political life certain basic rules and observed which controls the human behavior. These basis rules or ideals builds up human mind in such a way that they controls and regulations the human behavior and conduct. Works against those rules or ideals are certainly hated by the people but these are not crimes.
But all the crime lacks morality. In most cases a murder is such an act which is simultaneously a crime and immoral works. Nevertheless a murder of for self defense may be treated as an immoral act. Although all the criminal acts are immoral but all the immoral acts are not crime. As for example to tell a lie is an immoral act but not a crime. But if a person lies or gives false evidence in the court then it is a punishable offence. Hence it is mentionable that there is a deep relation between a crime and immortality.

1.6: Criminal attachment:
As in the previous discussion the definition of crime has been given now it can be said that the state of being involved in a criminal offence may be treated as a criminal attachment.

1.7: Way to be attached in crime:
Certain factors works in a persons mind to get him involved in a criminal activity. These reasons are treated from the Biological point of view, Psychological point of view, Economic approach, Sociological approach, Geographical approach etc.
In order to discuss the research topic ‘Criminal attachment and respective criminal jurisprudence to get a fruitful penology”, discussion of there above mentioned reasons are very important. After discussing that topic it will be imperative to discuss about the criminal jurisprudence i.e punishment for the respective offence, objects of punishment etc.

Chapter- 2
Etiology of crime: Biological approach.

2.1: The approached which are considered to enquire the cause of crime, the most important or significant one is the biological approach. But from the scientific point of view it is the primary initiative to study crime. From the Biological point of view different doctors specially the psychiatrist gives different opinion. They mostly gives their opinion based on certain human facial expressions, structure of their limbs etc. But nevertheless in order to enquire the cause of crime the Biological approach is the most fundamental one because-
Firstly, to study the cause of crime the most important fact on which the criminologist depends is that human behavior is mostly depend on his physical structures. The manner and conduct of different people are different because their physical structure is different. It is net irrelevant to assume that human being have definite genetic code which is certainly different from others.
Secondly, a certain gene or chromosomal character is responsible to regulate a human character. Every gene has its own function. If the doctors can study those genetic code they can easily understand he certain human genome are responsible to create jealousy or a tendency to cause destruction in his mind which results him to the way of crime.
Every doctors, criminologist or psychiatrist confesses that the criminals have a different physical structure, mentality etc. than that of a normal person. certainly they have abnormal physical structure or a defective lines which makes him mentally depressed and directs him towards crime.
It is previously mentioned that different scientists give different opinions regarding the Biological approach of crime. Here are some of their opinions of which the first one is physiognomy.

2.2: Physiognomy:
The study of human behavior based on the facial expression and structures is known as physiognomy. Most probably T. Baptuste della Porle (1535-1616) is the father of the subject physiognomy. Although he emphasized to describe the human conduct and behavior through the facial structure and expressions but he never denied the importance of the other physical structures of man. Nevertheless, certain facial expressions and structures are the main cause of tendency of crime and if any person has no certain characters it is to be understood that he has no tendency to criminality Basically it is the content of physiognomy.
In 18th century when Beccaria was making a research on criminal behavior at that time Physiognomy turned into a popular subject in England. 11 years laks of the publication of Becearia’s ‘Essay on crimes and punishment’ in 1764 Johon Caspar Lavater published his famous book Physiognomic fragments.
In this book Lavaler in analyzing the human facial structure and expression stated that there is a deep relation between a person’s facial structure and his conduct and behavior. This concept of Lavater turned popular and successful.
‘Habelock Ellis’ said that he has meet a Greek philosopher who through observing the face of Socrates got a proof of his ferociousness and drug addiction. It is true that Socrates was every ferocious in nature.
The deep rels bets human facial structure and his conduct and nature is the contest of physiognomy and one of the special contribution of physiognomy is that it lactcs on gave birth to another important subject called phrenology.

2.3: Phrenology:
Phrenology is such a branch of Physicality where the nature of human being specially his criminality is analyzed through the study of his skull. In this subject it is assumed that any special structure of human skull is responsible for his criminal attachment.
According to the Greek Philosopher Aristotle ‘Brain is an organ of mind.” Almost all the scientists of phrenology accompanies this decision of Aristotle.
‘Franz Joseph Gall’ the father of phrenology while researching found 3 fundamental facts related to human brain-
(i)                 Brain is the exact reflection of the skull.
(ii)               Brain or mind is build up of certain faculties or functions of human brain are related to the structure of human skull.
Gall in his research identifies 26 faculties or functions of Brain of then he most important one’s are stated below:
(i)                 amativeness
(ii)               conjugality
(iii)             Philoprogenitiveness
(iv)             friendliness
(v)               combativeness
(vi)             destructiveness
(vii)           acquisitiveness
(viii)         cautiousness
(ix)             self esteem
(x)               firmness
(xi)             benevolence
(xii)           constructiveness
(xiii)         ideality
(xiv)         imitativeness
(xv)           secretiveness
These functions of brain are divided into 3 classes which are-
(i)                 The intellectual faculties
(ii)               The moral sentiments
(iii)             The lower of destructive propensities
Among these 3 classes the last class is responsible to attach a person in criminality.
Here is a list of certain crimes which the people of lower propensities can commit-

Lower propensity
1)      destructiveness
2)      Combativeness
3)      Amativeness
4)      Acquisitiveness
5)      Secretiveness
Rape and sex crime
Theft, robbery

It is to be noted that, in human brain all these 3 categories whole body rather than a particular organ of the body to determine criminality. In this regard various physical human structures are categorized into various classes and then they are researched. Sheldon researched on 4000 structures of human being and then he categories them into 3 structures which are-
(i)                 endomorphic
(ii)               mesomorphic
(iii)             ectomotphic
Sheldon observed various character differences between these 3 category of people which are as follows-

(i) endomorphic

fat body and round shaped, immature bone and muscle
Friendly loves to eat, have a lot of patience
(ii) mesomorphic

string physical structure, enlarged shoulder and chest, strong muscle
strong mentality, courageous, loves to take risk, and denial on others
(iii) ectomotphic

dean and this body structure, this bone, tall, weak muscle
self oriented, loves solidarity, self conscious.

Sheldon after his research stated that-
(i)                 These 3 types if nature may be present in a human being but only one character will dominate.
(ii)               Compared to the innocent people, the criminals mostly have the mesonorphic types of physical structure.
(iii)             People under mesomorphic nature commit more crime.
About 60% of the criminals are of mesomorphic nature.
Hence it can be finally stated that the Biological approach is much important to study crime.

Chapter- 3
Etiology of Crime:
Psychological Approach

3.1: To study the cause of crime in the perspective of society is the object of psychology. A person builds up his character through the mutual interactions of certain people with whom he comes in contact very often. Psychology deals with the character of this group of people.
Order to analyze the criminal intent of human being from psychological point of view the psychologist emphasizes much on the social ingredients. In this regard they emphasize much on human mentality and personality, his intelligence and attitude towards others in certain circumstances.
Order to study the criminal intent in a human being through psychological approach, the psychologist depends on various procedures. Here some of the procedures have been discussed and of which the analysis of sigmoid Froid is much important his theory is stated below:

3.2: Froid Psychoanalysis and crime:
Sigmond Froid was simultaneously a doctor, psychologist. “Human conduct, personality as well as his all the ways to life is directly or indirectly regulated by his sexual appetite”- it is the subment matter of froidian psychologies.
According to Froid, the criminal intend of human being can be determined through his psychoanalysis.
According to Froid, human personality is build up of 3 special entities. These are-
(a)    Id
(b)   Ego and
(c)    Super ego
Id is that personality of human being which indices human mind to fulfill his immediate human desire. Id is synonymous to an infant which indicates dictorship.
Ego is that personality of human behavior which males a person aware of social reality.
On the other hand, super ego is that part of human mind which helps a man to build up a character with moralities and values. Super ego makes a man aware that if he is doing a rightful work or not.
From the above discussion it can be said that is any person has a dominant nature of ego and super ego that person can realize the social values and moralities, hence he cannot be involved in a criminal activity.
On the other hand if in the character of human being the Id nature is dominant over the ego and super ego, he will definitely get involved in crime.

3.3: The Psychologist also refer that a man may also get involved in crime through the nature of jealous and frustration.
Which living in a society it is obvious that some person will achieve name, fame, wealth etc. But there are also some people in society who cannot accept the well being of other’s. This nature is called jealousy. Being jealous a person may involve in any sort of work o make him equivalent to that person. Out to this the jealous person gets ready to do any kind of work which may lead him to certain criminal offences.
On the other hand, failure in achieving the goals of life a person becomes frustrated. Due to frustration a person cannot accept his failure. In this circumstances a person involves in offences.

Chapter- 4
Etiology of crime:
Economic approach

4.1: We have already discussed about the biological and psychological approaches of criminal attachment. In those discussions are have illustrated the topics through various theories. These two approaches are more or less important to know the reason of criminal attachment. But human being can be involved in crime die to some other factors. In this chapter we are about to discuss another factor of criminal attachment which is the economic factor.
In this chapter criminal attachment due to economic factor has been described from various approaches. It is illustrated that whether the criminal attachment is related to insolvency, unemployment, failure to achieve economic success or any other things. In this chapter it will be discussed.

4.2: Economic system and crime:
Every society or state is build up of different economic system. How rich a country or how a poor the country may be, the economy is its fundamental pillar of a state. It is very important for a state to make proper distribution of wealth and make opportunities of employment to achieve economic solvency. If any person fails in this regard he gets frustrated and eager’s to do anything to meet the demands of life. In this fast race factor to keep pace which this rhythm of life. An economically insolvent person to keep pace with the fast track of life becomes ready to do anything. Frustration leads him to theft, robbery etc. Basically there is the foundation of crime. So economical factor is very important to direct a person Bonger also stated poverty as the root cause of criminal attachment. According to his research about 79% of the feaders has arrived from the poor class of people and they generally get involved in theft, robbery of these type of crime.
Several American criminologist like Charles Loring Brace or Jacab Riil etc. treated poverty as the cause of crime. They shows in by Graoh that crimes are taking place because of poverty and those graph says that poverty is in the peak of cause of all crime.
Poverty leads a person is such a condition that in order to survive he is ready to sacrifice his states, motility or everything and poverty makes him bound to involve in crime. A victim of hunger loses his personality by any means.
So, from these above arguments we can finally say that it is certainly poverty which is the source of all crimes.
Nevertheless, we also see many honest person’s in our society who are mostly from the poor families. It is not to be assumed that only a poor person get’s involved in crime- although poverty is the root cause of all crime.

4.4: unemployment and crime:
Another important factor of crime is unemployment. Unemployed life is indeed painful. Unemployment does not necessarily mean poverty. There are several persons who are not poor but unemployed. Nevertheless it is not unnatural to exist poverty and crime simultaneously. The criminologists have tried hard to find the relationship of crime with unemployment.
Who ever had the competency to work but had no opportunity to get employed in work are generally called unemployed. It is seen from the research that the criminal tendency is mostly seen among the low unemployed persons who comes from the low earning families. The criminologist very often says that only employment can save a person from evil deeds. Trade says that “employment is the enemy of criminality”.
Whoever leads an unemployed life though having the competency and ability, suffers from a severe mental instability. These person considers himself very mean and suffers from frustration. It results in building up a creational intent in this person’s mind. The results of various research says that considerable number of offender are from this genre.

Chapter 5
Crime as a social disease;
Necessity to implement respective law’s to get rid of these diseases.

5.1: In the present age with the development of modern science and technology, people are presuming that their life has become easy to move. Is that really so?
In the present age, although every minute our lifestyle is updating but there are even now, certain factors while till today are making our life miserable. Of them crime is one. In our political, economical and social perspective of life, crime had spread every where like a contiguous disease, which not only has destroyed the foundation stone of our life but has also spoilt the code of social values. Today the social values are diminishing. Hence, a person’s reputation mostly does not rest on how much welfare he has done, rather his reputation depends on how muscle power he has. Due to this condition of the society the honest people are stepping back from ruling the society, which are giving a chance to the evilminded people to rule. Here people only for their own benefit does not even care of others, they even do not hesitate to harm others. Mostly these are happing due to our political instability. Almost all the criminals are under the shelter of any politician. Today’s condition are life law and justice if for those people who are weak enough to protect themselves. Hence due to our defective legal system, crime is increasing like a disease in our society.

5.2: Necessity is implement power laws to stop crime:
As previously said that our defective legal system is mostly responsible to enhance crime. But with this simple excuse we cannot let crime rule our society rather we better talk about the development of our law’s to punish the offenders and if needed it is urgent to take strict measures. We must say that we have no sufficient punishment for most crime in our criminal law; it seems that according to the definition of crime, some punishment are too less for the offenders.
If I give an example it will he clear section 378 of the penal code of Bangladesh defines theft and punishment for it is 3 years imprisonment with fine. If we literally interpret this section it stands as all thieves should be punished with 3 years imprisonment. Now if anybody or more clearly if we few months ago the managing director of Hallmark gorged 3000 crore taka from Sonali Bank ltd. and he was also imprisoned for 3 years. Now if anybody can steal 3000 crore taka and get’s 3 years imprisonment then I think everybody will prefer the way to steal such a big amount. 3 years imprisonment for stealing 3000 crore taka cannot even be considered as a punishment. In this regard it is the duty of the legislatures to modify the law or add some exceptions to the respective laws. Now I think it is clear that it is very urgent to make respective laws specially the logical law’s to eradicate, crime. In this regard it is very urgent to know in details about our punishment system.

Chapter- 6
Punishment and its purposes.

6.1: Definition and nature of punishment:
In general punishment means to arrange for a painful situation for whoever breaker laws and order of the state. But these types of definitions are partially true. The legal definition of punishment should be the conviction on a guilty person for his wrongful works given by the state or court is called punishment.

6.2: Purpose and justification of punishment:
When a person under goes any wrongful work, it is necessary for him to be punished. Punishment is justified for a person because-
(i)                 Punishment makes a person feel guilty and aware of his wrongful work.
(ii)               Punishment makes an offender understand that his act is hated by the society and as a result it helps him to avoid these acts.
(iii)             The rigorous imprisonment helps a person to find a way to his livelihood.
Basically there are the purposes of punishment. So from the above discusstions it is well understood that a criminal must be punished to refrain form his wrongful acts.

6.3: Some relevant thoughts on punishment:
Preciously we have mentioned that punishment helps an offender to lake his aware of his acts. Although the criminologists says that it is much better to reform a criminal that to punish him but when a crime occurs it is necessary to bring that offender under legal procedure and should be punished according to the verdict gives by the court.  A logical punishment helps to keep free the society from crimes. The punishment should be like the preventive measures of crime should be emphasized much. Such measures should be taken so that nobody dares to commit crime.
The objective of punishment is to protect the society from the offenders. Punishment treats certain acts against the social rules and norans. These antisocial workers are punishable and punishment is a warring to the offenders.
Punishment created a fear in the mind of offenders and also to the common people. Hence they refrain from their criminal activities.

Chapter- 7
Punishment’s in Bangladesh:
How much fruitful it is-

7.1: In the previous chapter we have discussed about the definition of crime, its crime, it’s aim and objectives and also it’s limitation. In this chapter we will discuss about how much it is effective or fruitful to eradicate criminality.
In the primitive society, there was no statutory rule to punish the fenders. But the system of revenge was prevalent in those societies. Gradually with the advancement of civilization the civil society in order to eradicate crime made some statutory laws to define crime as well as their respective punishments. This statutory rule is now called the law of criminals of the penal code.
In this codified law punishment for various offences are defined as well as their respective punishment is also stated. If any offender undergoes any criminal offence, he is punished under this law. After enacting this law as the law makers thought that the crimes will be controlled somehow, but their intention did not come true. Although the criminals after committing any crime are punished, but is has not reduced the quantity of crime from the state. Moreover, with the advancement of modern science and technology carious new methods of crime are being invented but mostly these crimes are not stated in the criminal law. As a result the criminal law is lagging behind from keeping place with the new methods of crime.
If we say about imprisonment then now a days it is common to most of the offenders. It can be said that the offenders are not at all scared of jail. In fact after going to jail the offenders seem to be pore confident in committing crimes after returning from jail. Most of the criminal activities take place under the shelter of various political persons. Once the commit a crime, it becomes very difficult for the law enforcing authorities to bring them under law and punish them. Only a phone call is enough to bring out the criminal from jail. Hence, the criminal activities instead of eradicating, it is moving upwards. So it can be said that imprisonment is not sufficient to eradicate crime. In this chapter we will discuss about the highest penalty i.e the death penalty and how much it is effective to eradicate crimes.

7.2: Death penalty and its effectiveness:
Death penalty is the highest punishment among all the prevailing punishments. Death penalty was prevalent even in the primitive society. Death penalty although makes a criminal scared of death can be effective to stop crime. Hence, this system of punishment can be a means to reduce crime. Regarding the death penalty some arguments is to be made as to its effectiveness.

7.3: Arguments in favor of capital punishment:
The capital punishment has however been able to reduce crime because-
(i)                 Death penalty is the only method through which the criminals of the society can be totally diminished. Sending a murdered to jail to a reformate center may not always be fruitful. Hence it is better to sentence a murderer the death penalty.
(ii)               Any other punishment is not as much deterrent as the death penalty is. Renowned criminologist Garofalo emphasized much on the death penalty. According to him, due to the fear of death all other criminals get reformed. Hence death penalty is a great hindrance to the way to crime.
(iii)             Death penalty protects the society from the ferocious criminals. It does not allow the repeat of crime by the same offender.
(iv)             Death penalty is mainly retributive so it is scary to the offenders.
Although the death penalty is a hindrance to the way of crime, but is cannot be sentenced for all the crimes. For the rest of the crimes, mostly imprisonment is given. But as previously said that imprisonment is mot sufficient to eradicate crime hence it is hardly necessary for an alternative method of punishment to eradicate crimes.

Chapter- 8
Correctional methods of criminals: probation; an alternative to imprisonment.

8.1: In the middle of the 19th century the necessity of correctional or reformate methods emerged besides the imprisonment system. In the previous chapter we mentioned about the effectiveness of various punishment. But none of the punishment is even sufficient enough to refrain the offenders from his criminal acts. Hence the necessity to reforms the character of the offender began to increase. It is to be mentioned that criminality is an evil human behavior and no punishment can be useful to him until his character is reformed. And for this reason the criminologist emphasize much on the reformative method of the criminals.
Among the reformative methods of punishments the most effective and important one is the probation method. In this chapter it will be discussed.

8.2: Probation-definition and nature:
Probation is that method of reformation system where the criminal through suspending his punishments sead under condition to a probation centre where he is trained to be an appropriate person to live in the society by reforming his character. In this method the punishment for the convicted person is suspended. He is given to chance to rectify his character and to lead a normal life in the society. Hence it can be said that probation is the institutional method to reform a criminal. Unlike the imprisonment system there is no punishment given here. Hence the criminal is reformed through love and affection.

8.3: Origin of probation system:
In the middle age, the priest of England and America used to get a special privilege where they could get a relief from the grievous punishments. In this system their punishment were suspended for a few days. Later on this system of suspending the punishment got state recognition and began to rise.
It is assumed that the probation system originated on the perspective of special incident. In the year 1841, a shoe makes of Baston city bailed a criminal convicted of being drunk. After few days his character began to reform and he quitted the drinking habit. Seeing this incident the judge released him. After this incident Augustus got encouragement and began to reform the character of the offenders. In this method he reformed more than 2000 criminals. Later on, this method raised as a custom to reform the criminals.

8.4: Techniques to be followed by a probation officer:
It is the primary and important duty of the probationer to reform the character of the offenders. In this circumstances he can undergo any technique he seems fit. Basically the techniques of the probation offices is divided into four categories. These are-
(i)                 Material aid techniques
(ii)               Executive techniques
(iii)             Guidance techniques
(iv)             Counseling techniques
A brief discussion of them are given below:
(i)                 Material aid technique: If the probation thinks that the offender came to the world of offence due to the need of money and may reform once he sets a was to livelihood then he may recommend for a financial support which will help him to choose a way to life.
(ii)               Executive techniques: If the officer thinks that the offender needs way institutional support, he may do so by sending him to a reformation center.
(iii)             Guidance techniques: The offices may apply the guidance as given in the family by the relatives to reform the mind of the criminals.
(iv)             Counseling techniques: In this method the officer needs mud knowledge on psychology to treat a criminal. Basically this method can be applies for the ferocious criminals.

8.5: Merits of probation system:
Probation system has got many positive sides to reform the mind of the criminals. Following are its merits:
(i)                 As criminality is a acerlmulation of human psychological problems hence the criminals are reformed by giving psychotropic’s.
(ii)               It makes the criminal detached from the world of criminality and makes a friendly environment so that regrets for his acts.
(iii)             In this method emphasize is given on the characteral reformation.
(iv)             In the probation system the offender gets a chance to maintain his family through normal work. As a result he becomes free from a mental pressure.
(v)               It is less expensive compared to the jail system.
Besides this merits the probation system has got many other merit which helps to reform the criminals.

As the punishment is not always effective and especially the prison system is less effective, so an alternative method is necessary which is the reformation system. It really helps to reform the criminal. If it is encoded as a part of criminal low besides punishment it will help a lot to reduce criminality and only then we will be able to say that our penal law is effective to eradicable crime from the society.

Sheikh Md Jakir Hossain
Department of law , Student
Leading University Sylhet , Bangladesh .

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